Get some herbs for dream pillows and make your own to encourage natural relaxation. Slip the cushion under your pillow for a restful night’s sleep.

Herbs for Dream Pillows and Other Materials
- 100 percent natural fabric, such as cotton or silk (you can recycle fabric from clothes and scarves)
- Enough flaxseed or small-grain rice to fill your finished pillow
- Dried lavender (soothing and relaxing)
- Dried mint (refreshing)
- Dried rosemary (strengthens your memory)
- Dried rose petals (calming)
- Dried hops (helps you sleep)
- Cut two pieces of fabric into your desired shape: rectangle, eye mask, or small square. Align the pieces with the back sides together, and stitch up three sides, leaving one end open for filling.
- Mix together enough rice or flaxseed to loosely fill your pillow, along with 1 to 2 tablespoons of dried herbs. Add more herbs until the scent pleases you.
- Fill the pillow with the herb mixture, and carefully stitch the open end closed.
To use: Shake the pillow gently to release the herbal scents. Place it over your eyes, under your pillow, or behind your neck, and relax. Focus on the fragrance emitted from the pillow, and you’ll soon be fast asleep. You can also gently heat the pillow in the microwave first, or place it in the freezer or refrigerator.
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Janice Cox is the author of Natural Beauty at Home and Natural Beauty from the Garden. She’s the beauty editor for Herb Quarterly magazine and a regular magazine contributor. This excerpt is from her book Natural Beauty for All Seasons.